We are interested in nonequilibrium physics of quantum many-body systems and statistical mechanics. The aim is to realize a new order or new physical property by driving quantum systems out of equilibrium. At first sight, it sounds unlikely to happen because energy injected by an external drive would turn into heat, which would destroy all the interesting properties of quantum many-body systems that might emerge at low energies. However, contrary to our intuition, recent studies have found various possibilities such that novel states of matter that can never be realized in equilibrium do emerge out of equilibrium. We are trying to understand their mechanism and explore the frontier of nonequilibrium condensed matter physics.
・27/01/2025 We published a lecture note of Condensed Matter Physics Summer School, “Physics of nonequilibrium superconductivity”, from J-STAGE.
・16/01/2025 We published a paper, “Quantum many-body scars with unconventional superconducting pairing symmetries via multibody interactions” (S. Imai, N. Tsuji, Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013064 (2025)).
・26/12/2024 We published a paper, “Boundary dissipative spin chains with partial solvability inherited from system Hamiltonians” (C. Matsui, N. Tsuji, Phys. Rev. B 110, 224306 (2024)).
・23/12/2024 Tsuji gave a talk, “Numerical analysis for nonequilibrium quantum many-body systems”, at Sohatsu Kenkyu Koryukai (Department of Physics, University of Tokyo).
・18/11/2024 We had a StatPhys seminar given by Dr. Ken Mochizuki (University of Tokyo) with the title “Measurement-induced spectral transition and entanglement transition”.
・11-12/11/2024 We organized a workshop “Frontiers of Nonequilibrium Solid States 2024” at Kyoto University.
・10/10/2024 Tsuji gave a talk, “Collective modes in superconductors: Modern perspective”, at Condensed Matter Colloquium at Nagoya University (co-organized by Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute).
・02/10/2024 Gerrit Niederhoff joined our group as a visiting research student.
・16-19/09/2024 We joined the annual JPS meeting at Hokkaido University.
・03-05/08/2024 Tsuji gave an intensive lecture at Condensed Matter Physics Summer School (2024). The lecture note (long ver.) and the Julia sample code have been uploaded.
・27/06/2024 A Youtube video explaining our recent work on multiband superconductors has been released.
・24-25/06/2024 We organized a workshop 2024 for KAKENHI Kiban A project “Real and reciprocal spacetime imaging of many-body excitons and quantum phase control” at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST).
・20/06/2024 Tsuji gave a seminar talk, “Higgs and Leggett modes and Lifshitz invariant in superconductors”, at ETH Zurich.
・19/06/2024 Takasan’s research has been featured in Gendai Kagaku (July, 2024).
・17/06/2024 Tsuji gave an invited talk at the international conference “Trends in the Theory of Quantum Materials” (University of Fribourg).
・30/05/2024 We had a StatPhys seminar given by Dr. Pasquale Marra (University of Tokyo) with the title “Majorana modes, topologically nontrivial stripes, and inhomogeneous superconductivity in 2D topological insulator/superconductor heterostructure”.
・15/05/2024 The lecture note (short ver.) for Condensed Matter Physics Summer School (2024) has been uploaded.
・04/04/2024 Shuta Matsuura joined our group as a Master student.
・01/04/2024 KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Real and reciprocal spacetime imaging of many-body excitons and quantum phase control” (Project leader: Tsuji) has been accepted, and a new research project has started.
・27/03/2024 Tsuji gave a seminar talk, “Quantum many-body scars with unconventional pairings”, at College de France (Paris, France).
・26/03/2024 Tsuji gave an invited talk at ENS Paris-UTokyo workshop at The Henri Poincare Institute (Paris, France).
・21/03/2024 Hiromu Ushihara and Shunsuke Nishimura got the Master degrees.
・18/03/2024 We published a paper, “Exact steady states of the impurity-doped XXZ spin chain coupled to dissipators” (C. Matsui, N. Tsuji, J. Stat. Mech. 033105 (2024)).
・06/03/2024 Titouan Mouilleron joined our group as a visiting research student.
・30/01/2024 We published a paper, “Classification of Lifshitz invariant in multiband superconductors: An application to Leggett modes in the linear response regime in Kagome lattice models” (R. Nagashima, S. Tian, R. Haenel, N. Tsuji, D. Manske, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013120 (2024)). We also published a press release.
・27/12/2023 We published a paper, “Nonequilibrium DMFT approach to time-resolved Raman spectroscopy” (P. Werner, M. Eckstein, N. Tsuji, Phys. Rev. B 108, 245157 (2023)).
・24/11/2023 We had a StatPhys seminar given by Prof. Hiroshi Shinaoka (Saitama University) with the title “Quantics Tensor Cross Interpolation for High-Resolution, Parsimonious Representations of Multivariate Functions in Physics and Beyond”.
・17/11/2023 We had a StatPhys seminar given by Mr. Kanta Masuki (University of Tokyo) with the title “Cavity QED control of quantum materials”.
・13-14/11/2023 We hosted the workshop “Frontiers of Nonequilibrium Solid States” at Hongo campus in the University of Tokyo.
・10/11/2023 We had a StatPhys seminar given by Prof. Kohei Kawabata (ISSP, University of Tokyo) with the title “Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem in Open Quantum Systems”.
・08/11/2023 We had a seminar by Yuriko Baba (Complutense University of Madrid) with the title “Chern number tuning in QAH systems”.
・16-18/10/2023 Our group has joined the international conference “Trends in the Theory of Quantum Materials 2023” at Kashiwa. Takasan gave an invited talk.
・10/10/2023 We published review articles, “Higgs and Nambu-Goldstone modes in condensed matter physics” (N. Tsuji, I. Danshita, S. Tsuchiya, Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics 2nd ed., Vol. 1, 174 (2024)), and “Floquet States” (N. Tsuji, Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics 2nd ed., Vol. 1, 967 (2024)).
・22/09/2023 Huanyu Zhang got the Master degree.
・20/09/2023 We launched a website for the workshop “Frontiers of nonequilibrium solid states” that will be held on Nov. 13-14th.
・16-19/09/2023 Tsuji, Takasan, Imai, Zhang, Ushihara, Nishimura, and Nagashima gave presentations at JPS Annual Meeting 2023.
・04/09/2023 Tsuji gave an invited talk at the workshop “Microscopic approach from pair correlation to pair condensation” at Osaka University, RCNP.
・21/08/2023 Tsuji gave an invited talk at the workshop “Frontiers of strongly correlated electron systems” at Nagoya University.
・07-11/08/2023 Tsuji, Takasan, Zhang, and Ushihara gave presentations at the International Conference on Statistical Physics (Statphys28).
・02/06/2023 Shohei Imai gave a talk, “Theory of attosecond dynamics of electrons in solids driven by optical electric fields”, at the StatPhys seminar.
・31/05/2023 Tsuji gave a seminar talk, “Nonlinear response in superconductors and beyond” at Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (Stuttgart, Germany).
・20/04/2023 Tsuji wrote a book review of “Symmetry and topology of quantum many-body systems” written by Haruki Watanabe in Mathematical Sciences.
・03/04/2023 Shohei Imai joined our group as a project assistant professor. Keigo Takahashi, Ryosuke Hirakida, Raigo Nagashima, Taiga Nakamoto joined our group. Satoko Kimura joined our group as an assistant.
・31/03/2023 Tsuji gave an online seminar talk “Collective modes in superconductors: a new perspective from nonlinear terahertz responses” at IBS CCES (Seoul National University).
・17/02/2023 Our office has been renovated and new office furnitures are installed.
・08/02/2023 We published a paper, “Spin-polarized spatially indirect excitons in a topological insulator” (R. Mori et al., Nature 614, 249 (2023)).
・31/01/2023 We posted a review article “Floquet States” on arXiv:2301.12676.
Past news can be found here.
Research introduction video
Tsuji and Nagashima explained our recent work on multiband superconductors (in Japanese) featured in Press release.
Kazuaki Takasan gave an introductory talk (in Japanese) in Online lecture for high school students.
Naoto Tsuji
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
E-mail: tsuji [at] phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp